The Nice Guys (2016)

Directed by: Shane Black

Starring Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe

Private Investigator Holland March and independent ‘muscle’ Jackson Healy are forced into each others paths when a young woman named Amelia disappears. What seemed to be just a simple case is turning more complicated and deadly by the minute.

Shane Black has done it again. I absolutely loved Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. The writing, the plot, the delivery, all fantastic. So I was really looking forward to his new project that looked, stylistically speaking very similar. I was not disappointed in the slightest. The quips back and forth between characters and the very real and relatable qualities made this movie a joy to watch. Gosling and Crowe had great chemistry together and it clearly showed on the screen.

I honestly never knew Ryan Gosling was this good of an Actor before this, granted I’ve not seen all of his work, but he was a wonderful surprise.

The plot was complex but still very easy to understand, and all the characters, not just the main ones were great as well. It was a very silly movie, but it was also very serious when it had to be. And as I said in my review of Brooklyn, I am a sucker for period pieces, and I thought they hit the ball out of the park with this one. The clothes and the cars especially screamed 70s.

Something I feel I may not be communicating well is how funny this movie really is. My friends and I were laughing so hard almost throughout, thanks to the fantastic writing and overall dark nature of some of the jokes.

I would recommend you see this movie without a doubt, you will not be disappointed at all. And for those of you who saw it, check out Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, I’m sure you will love that one as well.

Score: 9.4/10

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