Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

After witnessing the destruction caused by Superman’s battle with General Zod, Bruce Wayne blames superman and decides he needs to take matters into his own hands in order to keep Gotham safe from any future attacks. While Lex Luther enacts his own plan to rid the world of Clark Kent.

I think I am in the minority here of people that actually liked this movie. Although I was not a huge fan of Man of Steel, especially the ending, I thought this one was pretty good. I thought Ben Affleck, while not as good as Christian Bale, did a really good job as Batman.

One of my main gripes with this movie, as with Captain America: Civil War, is its length. It really felt like a few scenes could have been cut out to make the movie a bit more condensed and a little less drawn out, and while it wasn’t a huge issue, it did feel a bit long while I was watching it.

The mains surprise for me, however, was how tolerable Jesse Eisenburg. While I often find his sort of know it all, borderline stuttering speech irritating and only suited for the Social Network, I feel like he really did a good job for the most part in portraying Luthor as an insane rich guy. Credit where credit is due, that was a genuinely surprising performance.

The fight sequences in this movie I thought were really well done. They were just long enough to seem realistic, but didn’t take too long. They were also really dark and gritty, as was the whole movie in general, which I think was very good, and kept up with the darker nature that Christopher Nolan instilled in his Dark Knight Trilogy.

Overall, this was a pretty solid superhero movie, and while I can’t really think of many more criticisms without spoiling specific things, it just didn’t totally wow me.However it does keep me interested in the future of the Bat-fleck. Maybe it was the low expectations I had going in from people telling me it wasn’t that good that made me pleasantly surprised, either way I enjoyed myself. If you haven’t seen it already, I wouldn’t rush out to. Maybe wait until you can rent it or go see it at a discount theater if there is one nearby.

Score: 7.6/10

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